Foreign Workers in Japan at 1.28 Million, Highest Ever Figure
According to the statistics released by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as of the end of October 2017, there were 1,278,670 foreign nationals working in Japan, an 18% rise over the previous year and the highest for the fifth straight year. By country, the most were from China with 372,263 (a 29.1% increase), followed by Vietnam with 240,259 (an 18.8% increase), and the Philippines, 146,789 (an 11.5% increase).
Foreign Tourist Numbers to Japan Reaches Record High of 28,690,000 in 2017
The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism announced that the number of foreign tourists visiting Japan in 2017 was about 28,690,000, 19% higher than 2016 and the highest for the fifth straight year. By country, Russia, South Korea, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Indonesia, and the Philippines showed increases of more than 20%. The easing of visa restrictions for tourists and the increasing number of low-cost carriers and cruise ships linking Japan with other Asian nations are considered to be the main reasons.